Friday, November 21, 2008

My kids are such polar opposites. Cassidy is so serious and reserved. She is much more organized and all around put together than I could ever be. She gets so upset when we do projects at the last minute or when I forget something. We did however get her turkey project done EARLY!!! We made a jive turkey. Cassidy won't let me call it that though "Thats silly Mom" she says. "It just a hippy turkey!" Well none the less it is great! (I will have a picture soon) Maddox has informed me that there is a turkey and a chicken in his tummy and they are very busy fixing cars and flying airplanes. And yes everyone he still thinks he is a baby. What will I ever do with him?

1 comment:

Jeff and Janet Kirk said...

We love you. Great post. Love hearing about Maddox's wacky ideas.