So as everyone knows my spirituality is quite a bit different from just about everyone I know. I am not sure you guys understand what I belive so I have decided to share. I am Pagan. This means alot of things though, its an unbrella term just as Christianity is. Just as all Christians aren't the same (ex.. Catholics don't belive the same as Mormans even though they are both Christian). With in paganism there is Wicca, Shamanism, Santaria (this one is kind of a mix between Voodoo and Catholosism), Voodoo, and many others. I am a bit of a pagan mut. I do practice what would be considered witch craft but I am shamanistic too. I am also polytheistic. Witch craft most likely isn't what you think it is. Ok Ok let me back up. I belive that God is many, meaning that basically the forces/beings that rule the universe are not one all seeing thing. There are male and female Gods and Goddeses that are "incharge" of different parts or the universe. I do not think that there is one God and I also don't belive that we are being tested or judged by that god to determine our eternity. However I do belive in karmah. We are all on our own individual journy and we are constantly learning and absorbing for the "next step" wheather that means coming back after we die to try again or we move on to what ever the next step is and similarly to lds belifes I think that we will ultimatly become gods or godesses. I also feel that the earth is one of these Goddoses and that she is like our mother. Einstine said that humans and all of the earths inhabitants were like a flea on a dog. All feeding and living off of one larger animal. I feel the same way, though some of use are more like a flea and sucking and wasting the gift we have been given, I also feel that others are care givers like feeder fishe that clean larger fish and in return they get a free meal. There is great power within her and that is where witch craft comes in. We can if we are worthy, "tap" into her great energy along with god/godess and everything else around us, the stars, trees etc. That is basically what witch craft is and you can use it for your self as well as help others, just like praying but with more control for lack of a better word. To do this however is much different than just praying. Yuo first learn how to feel the energy of all things, even rocks have "energy" or majic that is why we use candels talismans and other things on our alter when we conduct a ritual. Certain things contain certain kinds of energy to heal or divinate or what ever. Physical items are also used as offerings to the gods and godesses not as you may think though. I don't lay out things in hopes they will be pleased and give me what i want. I offer things as a tactile thing to show my thanks and also my intent. Anyway there is much more. Just like you can't explain all of the bible in one essay I can't explain my belifes like that either. I love all of you and welcome your questions.